Loin Family
Loin family
Cuts from the pork Lomo family are generated from the two pieces that are next to the spine and under the ribs of the animal. It is a moist, pink meat with little fat. It is the most tender cut.
The U.S. pork industry is flexible and willing to produce loin products that international customers need for their businesses. Purchaser specified options for the pork loin family cuts include the presence, absence or partial removal of skin. Surface fat trim may be discussed with the supplier.

Center cut, bone-in
The bone-in center cut loin is what remains after the removal of the blade or rib portion and the sirloin portion of the full loin. Length of the center cut loin varies and may be specified by the purchaser.
A portion of the tenderloin may remain.

Shoulder end bone-in
The bone-in shoulder end loin is the cut that is removed from the forward end of the full loin to produce the center cut loin and contains a portion of the blade bone and backbone.

Sirloin end bone-in
The bone-in sirloin end loin is the cut that is removed from the hind end of the full loin to produce the center cut loin and contains a portion of the hip bone.

Loin full bone-less
The full boneless loin is that portion of the carcass remaining after removal of the shoulder, leg, belly, fat back and tenderloin.
The boneless loin contains both the rib or blade portion and the sirloin portion of the carcass. All bones and associated cartilage are removed.

The tenderloin is produced from the full bone-in loin. Tenderloins may be purchased with the presence or absence of the membrane, head and side muscle.

Back ribs
The backribs are produced from the full bone-in loin.

Riblets are generated from the vertebra portion of the full bone-in loin.

Loin full Canadian style
The Canadian style full loin is generated from the full boneless loin and has the blade bone and all overlying muscles removed.

Loin center cut bone-less
The boneless center cut loin is what remains after the removal of the blade or rib portion and the sirloin portion from the full loin. The tenderloin, all bones and associated cartilage are removed. The length of the center cut loin varies, and may be specified by the purchaser.

Sirloin bone-less
The boneless sirloin is the cut that is removed from the hind end of the full boneless loin to produce the center cut loin. All bones and associated cartilage are typically removed.
The boneless sirloin is also known as the chump.